Luca Caciagli: A Meditation on the Nature of Imagination

Luca Caciagli: A Meditation on the Nature of Imagination

Luca Caciagli

“A Meditation on the Nature of Imagination”

opening 17.05.24


through 02.06.24

saturday and sunday/14.00-18.30

by appointment:

Curated by Roberto Vitali

‘A Meditation on the Nature of Imagination’, is based on a visual research aimed at enriching the sensitivity and creative imagination of the observer,who by self-observing the emotions connected to the images that arise from the observation of the works can lead him to an exploration of his own subconscious.

With this series of five diptychs plus a single work of large-format silver salts prints made with "camera less" experimental mixed media techniques I combine the visual phenomenon of fractal imagination, of natural chaos, with that of the apophenic imagination, respectively, apophenic fractal forms that can virtually give rise to real images only with the help of the observer's imagination.

With a psychomagic act I allow the images to manifest themselves, from the fractal forms triggered by organic chemical reactions on film, in a free, intuitive, apophenic manner. I thus allow the forms to arrive, to occur as a destiny, bound simply to the eye and the subconscious of those who glimpse them.

Chaos theory and apophenia embrace not only the forms of artistic production but its very technique of experimental and creative research. The exploration of forms becomes a mantic, random and apophenic action, when concrete forms can be glimpsed in the visual disorder.

The result is a fractal recording originating from the interaction between the eye of the artist and the eye of the viewer who, through connective imagination, intervenes in recognising, if possible, figurative images in these fractal and abstract forms.

Letting forms emerge from the formless with freedom of the empathic imagination, according to a dialectic in which reality surpasses fantasy and fantasy surpasses reality the image transforms into a concrete and permanent image through a graphic and chromatic alchemy where the observed forms can evoke other visions and sensations in the observer.

more information:


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